Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Anger Management

Wow. Even after two really good night's sleep I am still ready to jump down anyone's throat given the slightest opportunity.

This morning I got into an argument with a Starbuck's worker because they were out of normal sugar. I know that brown sugar is better for me (I also know that all sugar is poison, whatever, it's not heroin) but I don't care. I like white sugar. And I ask if they have any more and she goes upstairs, presumably to get some, and I wait and wait and wait and no one comes back. So I go back up to the other woman behind the counter and say, "The other woman went to look for sugar. She's been gone a long time. Should we be worried?"

"Oh no, she already came back. We don't have any sugar."

A. Why didn't she come tell me so I didn't have to stand in a crowded Starbucks for twelve minutes waiting, twelve minutes that I will never get back?

B. It's a coffee shop. How can they not have sugar??

A woman I work with caught the tail end of all this and I started to spew out the whole story to her and her fiance (who was meeting me for the first time, hoorah for first impressions) and the woman who had gone on the sugar safari saw me gesticulating and ranting and shouted from the counter, "Do you have something you need to say to me?"

Right. So now I can't go in to the Capitol Hill Starbucks. I mean, I can, but maybe I shouldn't. And I've already declared the Firehook off limits because for some reason the woman who is always there has hated me from the start. Which makes me think maybe I should leave a bit early and go to Murky and then walk to work from there.

Because I do love me some Murky.


At 10:49 AM, Blogger Joseph Pindelski said...

I love that a STARBUCKS (!) employee got all TAXI DRIVER on you. She ain't DeNiro. You shoulda' skool'd her ass.


At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should have asked Ms. Barista "What, you don’t like hearing about Christ? Have you not been saved by Christ?" (random, I know)

At 1:53 PM, Blogger DCepticon said...

I know what you mean. I have a life time ban at Chuckee Cheese. How was I supposed to know you aren't supposed to punch the damn rat.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger SAS said...

jemp - yeah. I do a lot of skooling. You know that.

jd - good reincorporation.

dcepticon - Did all Chuckie Cheese's have that automated Elvis Lion? I liked him.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Artist In Transition said...

I find saying "You should maybe look into another job, because you don't seem to be very good at this one." generally endears me to the counter people at Northwest Airlines. You might try that next time.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger hpmelon said...

The animatronic figurs at CC remind me of that Simpsons episode at the beer theme park where all the robots go bad.

I am also hesitent to eat food made at a place named after a rodent.

City Mouse - Kickin' ass for coffee, excuse me, white sugar. This is a side of you I love.

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Sandwich Repairman said...

This sounds so typical of the Kafka-esque customer service we're being treated to these days. I think I've documented pretty well how ineffective it is to use official channels to try and correct or resolve these things. I like LD's approach. But Northworst sucks anyway--Southwest at least is fair about resolving disputes if something goes wrong.

Or, I just go vigilante and fix or do things myself. Adams Morgan Safeway won't remove empty containers and restock the damn shelves? I put them all on the floor. Find a half-empty cup of coffee on the shelf? "Excuse me, I think you forgot this". Car wants to park illegally? I stand in the space til they leave.


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