Erase Contact
Don't write about your personal life. Don't write about your personal life. Don't write about your personal life. Don't write about your personal life.
I deleted a number from my cell phone today. It's the second time I've done that this month. I never, ever, ever do that. So rarely.
What is that? It's our modern day equivalent of deleting a person from our life. It's our attempt to master the technology of ETERNAL SUNSHINE.
It doesn't, actually, and I know this because I've tried it, well, it doesn't actually... work.
My phone won't let me delete people. I have to meet someone new and overwrite their phone number with someone new. Wow talk about a metaphor.
I prefer to give people a new name in my phone, like "don't pick up" or "grrrr"
I deleted out 12 contacts last week. Maybe it was maintenance, maybe I just don't like a lot of people. Only I will ever know.
Enlightening thoughts from both Gwen and DCepticon (doesn't let you delete a contact??!! How draconian is THAT?) Gwen's idea is great, but I am afraid the new labels I would want to enter wouldn't actually fit into the tiny screen. I'll leave it at that.
Incidentally, no one involved in this rant lives in DC. I'm may be overly confessional sometimes but I wouldn't do that. could slit open their bellies and eat their heart and then chop off their head and put it in your fridge. just sayin. what?
i heart sas.
HP - It's the Cancer in me (aren't you a Cancer too?) I have trouble letting go. I don't think I ever delete a contact unless it's for some dramatic effect. I have names in my phone that I don't even recognize.
MB - We would never let that happen to Biden and Elwood. Promise, promise.
I'm a full of fire Aries.
p.s. Entrails are yummy.
I find the delete function strangely empowering. You really have to screw me royally to get deleted, so it's almost soothing to see them gone.
the worst is that I will delete someone only to run into them the next week, wherein we will play the 'let's put each other in our phones despite the fact that we shall never hang out' game, and they remain until re-deleted in 5 months.
ah the wonders of modern technology.
I'm a capricorn, does that indicate anything about my phone-number-deleting tendencies??
I heard a comic the other day who was talking about the new car ignitions where you have to exhale into a breath-a-lizer to prove you are not getting behind the wheel drunk. She said what they really need to make is a similar device for the cell phone. So you can't call or text inebriated. Thats what I need.
I'm a Cancer too; it's impossible for me to let go of people. But I am a cell phone deleter - if I'm hurt or angry I can't bear to scroll through and see the name... but as I can't let things go, I hide the number in a file somewhere, or a scrap of paper in a box.
the breathalyzer phone is already in the works:
Kris - Yeah, it takes a lot for me to delete a number so there is some sense of "Ha! Look what I did!" when I do it. The problem is, the deleted party will neither know nor appreciate the magnitude of my response. Ever. And that would make me feel better. If they KNEW. And cared.
Gwen - See, I'm happy to keep people I will never call in my phone. It's only people who screw with my emotions that are worth me taking the effort to actually delete them. After all, I will never fill every slot in my contacts. And I doon't know anything about Capricorns. I just know that Cancers (the Crab) have pinchy claws that hold on to things for much too long.
Damian - You never drunk dial me! Yes, one of those deletions was to eliminate the risk of drunk texting (which I am much more guilty of than drunk dialing). The other was because I was really pissed off.
Playmaker - Full disclosure: both numbers are written in my most recent notebook full of stuff I have to write down. I know where those numbers are. They will never be completely discarded. Because I'm kind of sentimental like that.
I promise to drunk dial or text you more often.
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