Sunday, October 08, 2006

Speaking of Consistency

So on Friday I proofed the Catalyst program for the show they just opened. (See it! $10 tickets, all the time!) and I realized that theater folk in this town liberally and consistently screw up the branding of local theaters. I'm not chastising (apparently I chastised a bit in my grammar post) I am simply bringing it to everyone's attention.

Kathleen Geldard and DCepticon were the only two members of cast or crew to get every "theater" vs. "theatre" correct.

So everybody - proof your bios and resume so the person editing the program for YOUR next show has an easy time of it.

I mean, just to be nice and all.

These were the ones that got screwed up the most:

Theater Alliance
Roundhouse Theatre
Journeymen Theater
Theater J
The American Century Theater
Didactic Theatre
Folger Theatre
Olney Theatre Center
Studio Theatre
Rorschach Theatre
Open Circle Theatre

I looked these up at each respective theater/theatre's website. If they've screwed it up themselves then I have no sympathy.

I also corrected all of my own errors in my sidebar.

The very flawed, often incorrect, so-not-chastising Citymouse


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