Monday, October 02, 2006

If You Lived Here You'd Already Be Home

I've been tagged by Lucky Spinster to do a Book Meme which I am working on and hereby warning you ahead of time that it will be long and boring and ridiculously self-important.

I am also thinking a lot about the Peter Mark's article about political theater in DC (rather, lack thereof) which kind of annoyed me but I never put anything down on paper about so maybe I will work up a post on that too.

But for now - I'll share my big epiphany: when you make plans to hang out with someone, and you invite them over to your house, and you hang out, and you maybe eat and drink food and beverages that you purchased from a grocery store, not only is it immensely less expensive than actually going out but when the night is over and you have to go home going home means walking down the hallway and entering your room.

I realized this the night of the book club (I promise, I'll stop talking about the book club eventually, because Tracy is totally right I am a big dork but I certainly never claimed to be otherwise). When everyone one else had to head out to their cars to head home to faraway lands like Virginia and Takoma Park, I walked down the hall.


So this weekend began with Friday night pizza, where? - yes, at my house. MJ and his sea of stories came by, we ordered good pizza, he told good stories, we ate my cousin's good cookies, really - it doesn't get any better than this. Cheap, no smoke, no women in small amounts of clothing, no battling the crowds of Adams Morgan or the white hats of Capitol Hill, and when all is said and done, I am already home.


Saturday I did venture out of the district to Virginia where I saw closing night of Spinning Into Butter. It's a solid, well made play and a good production and it made me realize that I never really though about race issues while at North Carolina. I think that's because not only were black students stripped of some sense of identity there (or their "agency" as Gilman reminds us) - we all were. It was the whole exercise in reaching neutrality. It was less about who we were than about what we could do. Politics, identity, these things sort of fell by the wayside.

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't change it for anything. Just interesting to realize, that's all.

That evening included a serendipitous encounter with two lovely ladies from the theater world with whom I then headed to some Crystal City sports bar complete with large packs of meatheads and a girl who had locked herself in a bathroom stall to be sick and then promptly died, passed out, or simply refused to exit. Her equally drunk but successfully standing friend would call to her every few minutes and we would hear a slight moan from inside.

"Sarah? Sarah"

"mmfmghhjhrto... oopffph"

three minutes later

"Sarah? Sarah?"

"Mmlallflfl!!! Mwarrrhghhh!!"

Oh, and they were wearing pieces of myler tied around their heads like pirate bandanas.

To be young again.

Sunday I followed up on my new plan to avoid drunk and stupid people and had MB over to watch the beginning of Season 2 Felicity while consuming mimosas and strawberries.

And in case you're wondering - Felicity just cut her hair.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Joseph Pindelski said...

Mimosa's and strawberries! That's awesome.


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