Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Fishes on a Bike!

I read the "Questions For" column in the Sunday Times Magazine with Gloria Steinem (link above). My favorite is her last quote:

You've often been described as "“the good-looking feminist," as if the others were ogres. Does that bother you?

I wasn't considered so good-looking before I became a feminist.

That's so true. There are certain identifiers that you never see paired up. We don't talk about the "good looking actress" or the "hot stripper" because the assumption is, of course, that they are all attractive. But the "pretty nuclear physicist" or the "stunning accountant" are surprise qualifiers because of course, women who are marketed primarily on their mental prowress are not expected nor required to be "attractive".

I suppose the same, to some degree, goes for men.

But here's to hot feminists.

I remember when Steinem married David Bale in their Native American ceremony in 2000. Somehow I missed that he had passed away. There is something both beautiful and devastating in that scenario. A woman sets out on her own for over sixty years, finally decides to declare a life partner, and then loses him four years later.

Better late than never, I guess.

I admit. I've always had a big crush on Gloria Steinem.


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