Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, We drew funny pictures of you...

You know what I love most of all? I love Holocaust Revisionists. I love that Iran has decided that the Holocaust just didn't happen. I think it's so cool that the six million Jews (and homosexuals, and some clergy members, and the blind and deaf and otherly-abled) weren't actually eradicated but actually moved to Hollywood, California so that they could create an industry for Mel Gibson to make a lot of money in. I mean, obviously, Hollywood is run by Jews and queers, that's so where they all went. So, fucking, obvious. I love that the retribution that a country like Iran has for what they see as everyone making fun of Islam is to run their own cartoon contest. I mean, ha, ha, we can do that too! We can be ironic and snarky in our own way, and celebrate extreme anti-Semitism in the process. Because we are Iran! Because we have a lot of money! We can make the oppressed and poverty stricken Arabs that live in places like Gaza and the West Bank, and especially now in Lebanon (just waiting for your close-up shrapnel imbedded Shiite child) our ideal poster children and yet instead of sending $20,000 to try to rebuild a Lebanese apartment building we will offer it as the monetary prize for whomever can draw the most offensive anti-Semitic cartoon. We can blather and postulate and spout off against the existence of Israel and the plight our oppressed brethren but not do a single fucking thing to actually help them! And fuck - we may be Arabs but that doesn't mean we are not funny! I mean the Jews don't have the whole market on humor cornered! We can do it too, we can incorporate the star of David and George Bush and people with funny side curls into our pen and ink drawings and people will laugh at us like they laugh at Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and Mel Brooks. And so what if the Jews already beat us to the punch? We have virgins waiting for us in heaven and they so don't.


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