Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I feel like I've entered a little bubble in the life-time continuum.

In my bubble I am not very social. I talk to a few people, a lot. I talk to a lot of people, not at all. Maybe it's an anti-social bubble.

In my bubble I forget what day of the week it is, if the month is over, what month is it?, and if there is somewhere that I am supposed to be, now, tomorrow... yesterday.

In my bubble I drink coronas and eat the cold pizza that seems to reproduce itself in the new refrigerator. Imagine that--a refrigerator that generates cold pizza and beer. Stop the presses...

In my bubble I listen to mix cds and recordings of David Sedaris reading his stories. These things make me happy.

In my bubble I forget to worry about work or next year or career or future. In my bubble there is today, but tomorrow is blurry.

In my bubble I am very bad about returning phone calls and emails. The reception is really bad in my bubble.

In my bubble I am allowed to be cryptic.

I'll get back on track soon enough, I promise. If you see me, maybe give me a shake or two.

"Back to earth Citymouse! Don't get all poetic and soft and dreamy on us. Remember what happens when we start talking to the moon?"


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buck up, Buttercup. In the immortal words of Bill Finn: "Everything will be alright."

At 3:00 PM, Blogger SAS said...

I didn't get the tone right with this post at all.

The escapism is not a bad thing, it's just a different thing.

Everything IS alright.

But thank you.

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come back to earth at least long enough to respond to my email.
Actually, being in a bubble doesn't sound like a bad thing at all. I wish I were in one.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger cometary said...

You know, I've been in one of those as well. It's kind of cozy and kind of claustrophobic. Between work, the crazy b.s. of life and love, and fears about future work, it's been easier to retreat into a bubble mostly populated by Japanese fiction, sci-fi novels, a nice, cold, dry white wine, and lots of music.

I think there's too much Modest Mouse in my bubble, though.

And I'm running out of wine...

At 5:08 PM, Blogger Zingaro said...

I found this blog entry while image-googling for "bubble", in order to make the cover for a mix CD for an ex-girlfriend, in which I want to paint myself in a bubble because I feel exactly like the way this post describes ... except in a sort of permanent way.

Anyways I just thought you might want to know that a complete stranger found your blog refreshing, entertaining, enlightening...


At 7:08 PM, Blogger Brianna said...

most of the time i feel exactly the same, like an island.

And right now, I'm happy with island life.


p.s. good choice with David Sedaris.


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