Friday, August 04, 2006

More Non-Sequitors

I bought this skirt yesterday. In the past sixteen hours it has made its way to the top in the rankings of "most comfortable item of clothing, ever". Somewhere around the Rhode Island Avenue stop on the red line this morning it assumed the lead.

At that point I started thinking about investing $230 and buying the same skirt in seven different colors, then wearing a different one every day of the week for the next year. Like those days-of-the-week underwear we could buy as small ones.

Tempting, but maybe too obvious.

Best of all, no sweat shops were harmed in the process of making my skirt.

I love it, I do.

I bought the skirt because I needed to look relatively presentable for several events happening in NY this weekend. One is the hour I will spend at an ex-boyfriend's birthday party tonight before I meet up with my parents back in Manhattan. I won't really get into that (I don't think he reads this, but...) but the funny (funny, not so much as in ha-ha) part is that if I meet any friends of his tonight (which presumably I will) it will be the first time. I never met any of his friends while we were dating. In six months. Once I did, by accident. That should have been a red flag, right? Far be it from me to recognize red flags.

Actually, now I hope that he doesn't read this.

The other event is the auditions. The infamous auditions with lots of actors with cleavage hair.

My favorite headshot and resume email came in yesterday with the heading "Looking for an Actress/Mime"?

Ummm... no?

I have a bruise on my wrist from when I ran into a wall yesterday (yes) but it looks like where a thumb would be if I couldn't help loving that man of mine.

Went to DC 9 last night despite complete exhaustion and sudden downpours to see these folks with my friend who knows more about music than I ever will. I was, in the end, glad I did because they played a really fun set. I also thought, I have never seen Washington Social Club live and I should.

Sufjan is touring again but apparently we have to go to New York to see him. He has three nights at Town Hall, but not a single date in DC (yet?). Is that because he can't write an album about us?

One more reason to pitch for statehood.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger hpmelon said...

Cleavage hair?


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