Friday, July 21, 2006

And They're Off

We almost made it through a run.


So much of yesterday was about dealing with sound issues. This should not come as a surprise. We are doing a rock musical in a small space. It’s all about the amplification and balance. The space is probably too small, the sound is probably too bright, but that’s what we have. I always have trouble listening to a show when it is amplified for the first time. Something is always lost when you mic actors. But in the context of the show, it’s necessary. So I adjust and I get over it.

All things considered, things went pretty well yesterday. I hope the actors feel that way as well.

My parents arrived as we were starting the stumble/run through. They had some interesting and helpful insights.

I then dragged them over to Avenue for our show’s gig at the opening night party. We got over there about ten minutes before we were supposed to go on, and it felt like a crowd decidedly not in the mood to listen to an acoustic set from a pop musical. The MC was my friend Josh, who is one of my favorite people in the entire world, and he assured me that he would get the audience in the mood by reciting some of his impromptu hipster poetry.

Skeptical as I am, Josh was successful, and a small and receptive audience gathered to listen to our several songs. I meanwhile accosted Josh and made him talk to me because he’s adorable and again, one of my favorite people in the world. My parents found us after parking the car and then they accosted Josh because they saw him in a reading in Poughkeepsie and meeting people they saw in plays makes them feel special.

Eventually we allowed Josh to escape to his MC duties as the Lunch set was finishing up. Trey was there, no doubt collecting fodder for his fabulous fringe blog, but I got too nervous to talk to him because I was afraid I would say something stupid or offensive or otherwise regrettable.

Damian was also present, looking lovely in seersucker. And I do mean that. Some people can pull it off.

Fringe on folks…


At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats very high praise coming from you. :) Was good seeing you.


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