Sunday, April 16, 2006

When He Goes Away, That's a Rainy Day

I never actually named my Ipod or anything, but if I had it would totally be a guy.

He wooed me quickly, sucked me into his magic, murmured the sweet somethings of Death Cab and Cat Power and Bright Eyes to me, and then one day without warning at a time in my life when I needed him more than ever, he fell silent.

He starts out acting as if everything is fine and normal and then he just clams up. He won't tell me what's wrong, just gives me little cryptic messages that I can't understand.

He allowed me to become completely dependent on him and then skipped out as if nothing had ever happened between us. Now he's driving me to turn to other men - the "mac geniuses" at Pentagon City who speak at least some version of english and don't simply turn off when I try to talk to them.

But still, I miss him so.


At 9:35 AM, Blogger DCepticon said...

I am kind of jealous right now.


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