Thursday, November 08, 2007


Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful shout outs of “cheer up” from friends and family alike. And especially for the fart noise maker from MB. Because how can you be blue when you are making fart noises with your fingers in a tub of goo?

Treasure Island is going well. It’s a really fun group of people and is presenting some new lessons for me--namely how to approach a show with near complete integration of stage combat and about the process of staging for a turn table—double turn table actually. Not so sure when in my work I’ll have the chance to work on a double turn table, but you never know.

Still feeling a bit wonky, but I am trying not to beat myself up about it. Things are a bit better focused now--just NOOR and the assisting gig to focus on this month--and then another reading of ZIDNEY early in December.

I’m hoping I’ll have more fervor to write as I get through this funk. My mom thinks it’s seasonal. That’s possible. I do love the fall in theory, but the actual diminishing of the light does seem to get under my skin in a very unnamable way.

I also got my cell phone bill for September. Badness. Too much Connecticut chatter because I was lonely and wanted to talk a lot. And the 147 extra text messages didn't help.


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