My aunt passed away today. Yesterday. Tuesday. Whenever that was. Maybe I shouldn't write about it. Anyway, I'm not good at dealing with these things. Who is.
The truth of it is, I am terrified of death. Always have been. As a child I was scared of the dark, but really, I was scared of death. Imagining that someone was once here and with us, and is then gone, and will never be with us again, is an overwhelming and fearful idea to me.
I sound selfish. I sound like I am making this about me. It's not about me.
I am trying desperately to find the thing that we take away from an event like this to make the world, our lives, someone else's life--better off. Be well. Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other.
That's all I've got right now.
So very sorry, CM. That sucks. Take care of you and your fam. Be well.
Death is my biggest fear.
I think you got the lesson here: hold on to those you love and make sure they know it.
Sorry for your loss.
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