Friday, June 23, 2006

Suck Being the Operative Word

I am the last person who should ever be giving anyone fashion advice. But can someone please tell me - does anyone actually like how seersucker looks?

There have been all these commentaries in the Washington press about how tacky flip-flops are and what the sociological ramifications of popping a collar are, but seersucker seems to pass unscathed.

And I have to say, I kind of hate it.

When I walk around capitol hill and see all these men in seersucker I get the sense that everyone's mommy has dressed them up to go to Easter Dinner. Sorry, but I do. Like they should be wearing short pants and trailing a little wooden duck behind them.

And seersucker isn't flattering, to anyone.

Maybe if it's worn with a sense of irony I can smile about it. But I detect no irony from the men on the hill.

I know it is hot in DC. I am sure seersucker is cooler than other suits. And it must suck to have to wear a suit to work everyday, really, I understand that.

But rethink the seersucker.



At 4:35 PM, Blogger DCepticon said...

I wish I could find me a nice seersucker. Just so I could go around saying, "have you seen my new seersucker suit" and all the ladies would be like "damn that is one fine seersucker, I want me a piece of that". Or at least that is the way it plays out in my head.

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only people I can really tend to accept seersucker on is fat southern men and seven year old girls...everyone else...not so much

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually don't mind them so much. Possibly because I pretty much have zero taste when it comes to clothes, but mainly because I have to admire a guy with the guts to wear one. They do look a bit silly (although I have on rare occasions seen a man who can almost pull it off).

Seriously though, can you imagine having to wear suits in this weather???? And not only suits, but long sleeved shirts under the suits and most likely an undershirt underneath that! And then a tie! And socks! Good God. It's amazing men haven't come up with more alternatives when you think about it...


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