Thursday, April 20, 2006

Inside the Bubble

I had crazy dreams last night. Lots of them. Of course, I didn’t write them down so all that I actually remember is the process of waking up disoriented, thinking I was not possibly going to fall asleep again that night, and then, again, waking up two hours later after yet another dream.

We start tech on Saturday. I am working with extremely smart and talented designers so that’s something to look forward to.

I had a conversation with Arctic Actor on Monday night and he mentioned that I never really write about anything going on in my life outside of theater stuff (and I’m paraphrasing here) – as in, interesting day job, other pursuits, hobbies, interests...

And I realized that’s because I don’t really have an outside life. I don’t. Not right now at least. I do have a couple of day jobs but they are not really worth writing about. Other than working on this show, and going to Tunnicliff’s to drink vodka tonics and talk about working on this show, and reading about the Middle East right now, I don’t have much to share.

Yes, I know. That does make Jane a dull girl.

I listen to NPR and Democracy Now podcasts to try and keep up with the world. I read my cousin’s New Yorker magazines. I occasionally make it to the gym where I can watch bad TV.

And, ummm… yeah. That’s it.

At one time I had a more well rounded life. Perhaps that is something to think about trying for when the hostage play is said and done.

I’ll have time in May. I will make trips up North that month – to New York to see friends in shows and to visit my best friend’s stunningly beautiful baby and to Poughkeepsie to spend time with my parents and brother, who I haven’t seen since December and November respectively.

I got a message from my father the other night on my cell phone. He’d just picked up the message I’d left several days earlier (these new fangled cell phones…!) and he called me himself (usually he and my mother call together) to say “I think we haven’t been spending enough time with you. We really need to see you more often. It’s just been a while, and we haven’t gotten to spend time with you. Let’s make sure we find a way to see you soon…”

And of course, being the emotional livewire that I currently am, I lost it.

Someone told me that their friend shorted out their cell phone by crying into it. I should be careful.


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