Thursday, August 25, 2005

Pause. Breathe. Think. Speak.

It occurred to me today that when I start working on a show, I become a pretty boring person. I kind of leave my life, and fixate on this one thing, this script, this play, this production, to the point that nothing else can really capture me.

It doesn't help that I am having to give time to a day job as well. Perhaps if I were only working on this show I would be able to leave the rehearsal room and return to reality. As it is, I feel like I cannot possibly be thinking about the play, working on the play, solving the puzzles of the play, researching elements of the play as much as I *should* be.

As if a certain amount of work proffers a guarantee that the play will work.

Not necessarily. Especially not with a new play. The variables are endless. It is kind of terrifying. No wonder theater people like the drink.

Which is why last weekend at the beach was a godsend. I know I never went into detail about that, but it was a marvelous day and a half away. I indulged in great food, had some wonderful conversations with my dear friends, slept hard and long, played with kittens, dipped my toes in the sea, drank good sake, rode a scary roller coaster, and engaged in the most delightful episodes of people watching.

The salt air cleared my head and lungs before heading back into the trenches.

All guts, little glory, we do what we must and we try to do it well.

On other wavelengths -- I have discovered (thanks to a friend) Rufus Wainwright, and I have furthermore decided that I want FOOLISH LOVE to be performed at my wedding, my funeral, and perhaps at points in between. Not that these events will happen (soon or ever) but the song makes me ache and smile. Simultaneously. I love that. I missed him in concert last month. That's a shame.

What other songs do that for me?

Golden Slumbers (the Beatles original, but especially the Ben Folds cover)
Minor Incident (Badly Drawn Boy)
Spring Street (Dar Williams)
The Professor (Damien Rice)
Dangling Conversation (Simon and Garfunkle)
Beautiful Friend (Sebadoh)
Memory Lane (Elliot Smith)
Because (the Beatles, and the Elliot Smith cover)
Mortal City (Dar Williams)
Goodbye (Patty Griffin)
Tiny Vessels (Death Cab for Cutie)
Old Mistake (Susan Werner)

What would we do without music?

On that note (stupid, it's 12:30 am in the morning pun intended) some great concerts are coming through town. Dar Williams. Death Cab for Cutie. Sufan Stevens. Liz Phair. My Morning Jacket. Anyone wanna go?


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