Monday, August 29, 2005


First - quick - check this out. I don't know whether to coo or get a little bit nauseas. Yes, it's cute, no denying that, but thinking about the person who decided to commit hours to this venture scares me a little.

Them things sure are sweet though.

The show marches on, the reading is twenty minutes too long and currently going through some massive snipping, life otherwise - eh - can't complain.

One of my actors is getting married next weekend. He and his fiance (also an actor) gathered people at a neighborhood bar following their respective "bachelor/ette" parties on Saturday night. The bride-to-be was decked out in a tiara/veil and a jagermeister wife-beater that had been bestowed upon her at the last stop on their mini-bar-crawl. They were both beaming and shiny and happy - it was nice to see. I like them both very much and completely dig the way they are going about the wedding thing (simple, unpretentious, focus on the food, drink, friends, and love).

My cousin is back in town (after several weeks in Mozambique) and it was good to catch up with her last night. She had a date this weekend with a guy who was, "very, very nice..." but, told her that his ultimate career aspiration was to become a motivational speaker.

Okay, so, would anyone out there hear that and think that was a good thing? Like, wow - I have always wanted to date a motivational speaker! Someone who speaks in catch phrases and platitudes?! Man, that is so hot!

Thus far, it's not looking to be a love connection.

P.S. Looking for images for this post, I came up with the one above of the "Bachelorette Party Kit". Am I the only one who finds the ideas that these kind of Spencer Gifts package deals promote as rather offensive? As if - because someone is still technically a "bachelorette" she would want to go have a last hurrah picking up men at bars before tying herself down for good? Shouldn't a couple have gotten past the point of wanting to "party like a single girl (guy)" well before they decided to spend the rest of their lives together?


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