Sunday, February 10, 2008

Monday and Tuesday

From Saturday's Washington Post "Style on the Go" p.C-12

Monday and Tuesday [February 11-12]
Theater J is hosting readings of Atlanta playwright Janece Shaffer's "Brownie Points," which follows the difficult interactions among high-strung mothers who take their daughters on a retreat for Girl Scouts. Race, class, and personalities come to a head on the trip.

Brownie Points
by Janece Shaffer
Featuring Jen Plants, Aakhu Freeman, Carolyn Michelle Smith, Nanna Ingvarsson and Allyson Currin
7:30 PM - February 11-12

Theater J performances at the Washington DC Jewish Community Center in the
Aaron and Cecile Goldman Theater

1529 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC
Parking: There is a lot next to the center ($5) and at 1616 P Street, between 16th and 17th ($4 with validation at front desk)

RSVP a reservation at 202-777-3210
Tix also available the night of the staged readings at the box office.
Discussions with the playwright, director and cast will follow.

Tell them you are my friend and the tickets (normally $15) are free.


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