Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Request

I'll say...

It seems irresponsible--trite--to address anything other than what happened at Virginia Tech yesterday. The magnitude of this event is overwhelming. I can't wrap my brain around it. Maybe I don't even want to try.

I can only imagine the impact that this is having on the people in my life with close ties to the school. My love is with them. Let's see each other soon. If you can. When you can.

I'll write about the Helen Hayes later or tomorrow. It was a blast, really, the best time I've ever had at one of these things. Warm fuzzies as people I admire and care about received much deserved recognition.

But the randomness of life's outcomes is all that I can think about right now. Why these kids? Why that day? We have so little control over this world, because ultimately we have no control over each other.

And this is what makes the world a magnificent, unpredictable, awe-inspiring, and often completely devastating place to be.

So again, in the words of Mr. Vonnegut (and what a place this would be if we all adhered to this request) "At the outside, babies, you have about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of–God damn it, babies, you’ve got to be kind."

Let's be good to each other. In big and small ways.

Please, let's be kind.


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