Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Louisville was fabulous. So much theater, so little time. So much socializing, so little sleep. I am sure that I said many inappropriate things to many different people but hopefully none so inappropriate that it came off as anything more than unintentional social awkwardness. Which I have decided is the best name for the way I behave in crowd scenes. Not social anxiety, simply social awkwardness.

I won't talk about drinking because it makes my mother nervous. But when people refer to Humana as summer camp for theater people, but you're allowed to drink (and do other stuff, but I didn't do any of that) I'll say... umm, yeah, it's true.

I was always socially awkward at camp too, so the analogy is kind of perfect.

And I'll credit Jen Men for going one further--she pointed out that having people at "Humana Camp" that you know from your neighborhood (e.g. DC, or NCSA for that matter, or even Michigan 'cause I'll claim that too) allows you to have the little "We're from the same 'hood" nod every time you cross paths. And to seek them out in the little discussion clusters. I had many neighborhood folk in town the same weekend, which was delightful. And both Skids and the late-recruited Otis from Centerstage were fabulous and attentive fake dates.

When I have some time I'll talk more about the plays, though overall I was particularly impressed with some of the direction. I thought Garces knocked Dark Play out of the park. And Batch was so super cool that I don't even think I'm cool enough to write about it.


At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, sorry I forgot you were out of town. Melon's shindig was fun, although i was a little disappointed that the bartender didn't repeatedly offer me hollandaise sauce.

Louisville sounds awesome. I've never been. the write-up of Batch on theaterboy made it sound unforgettable.

buy me a drink sometime. but maybe not this week.


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