Friday, April 13, 2007

Video Killed the Radio Star

Final Pay-What-You-Can Preview tonight. Come one, come all.

I'm feeling the nerves in my gut but it's not about the show. I think it's about being at the end of a three-show run and becoming aware that all the things I've avoided dealing with since January are now going to rise up like a re-animated corpse and force me to deal with them.

"We're still here... We were just waiiiitttiiingg for you to give us you unddiiivvided attention..."

Yeah, can I take a rain check on that?

There are aspects to having more time that will be wonderful. Maybe see a movie. Be a decent friend again. Finish a book club book in time. Have a visit in New York.

Maybe I'll actually have something worth writing about then.

I don't have a dress for Helen Hayes. I'm forgetting right now why I decide to go every year (besides the very justifiable reason this time around of cheering on Gallu) when it just becomes a stressor of last minute shopping (which I hate) for form-fitting garments (which I hate even more).

I feel so very rough around the edges right now that the last thing I want to do is wear heels.


At 2:39 PM, Blogger SAS said...

Sorry I lost your comment Gwen! I amnot good at dealing with the whole Youtube implant. It's because I'm over thirty. We don't bleed world wide web like you young uns'.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger The Trendy Tailor said...

need to borrow anything?

At 9:30 AM, Blogger playfulinnc said...

nice vid~


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