Wednesday, June 28, 2006

...Keep Falling On My Head

If I hear one more flood or rain pun I'm going to, ummm, gurgle.

(See. You just can't escape it.)

My flood casualties were quite minor, all things considered.

1. My phone was waterlogged for about twelve hours after I walked through the rain on the CUA campus sans umbrella while talking to my mom. Several hours later it was again taking calls but the person on the other end sounded like they were calling from Uzbekistan rather than from College Park. By morning though all was well.

2. One metro card with about $3.20 on it. It got wet in my wallet in my bag. Seriously, everything got wet in these past four days. It stopped working and the metro guy said I'd have to go to Metro center to get it reissued. It now lies dormant in the Metro card graveyard in my wallet, which by the time I ever leave DC will have enough Metro cards to get me back and forth from New Carrolton, like, 18 times.

3. Finally, some degree of my dignity was lost when I showed up to Monday's rehearsal looking like I was ready to participate in a wet t-shirt contest. Note to self...

Otherwise things are going along quite swimmingly (doh). I'm a little bit swamped (gak) with rehearsals and other future planning because, you know - when it rains it pours (sheesh) but am looking forward to getting knee deep into it all (meh) and pulling together this latest production. It's great fun, and the cast has super energy and spirit so those are all plusses on our side. In addition, they are all (really) young and (really) pretty, so they're nice to look at. And I for one am enjoying relaxing into my role as dirty old director who likes pretty things.


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