Monday, April 24, 2006

Light at the End of it

I emerged from the theater after two ten of twelve's in a row, bleary eyed and unable to form complete sentences (not that I am very good at that most days) but I do think some really great work got done.

Made some major changes, conceptually. That is always scary, but also exciting, and makes me feel like we are doing theater in the way I aspire to do it - where the exploration doesn't end when we reach tech. In fact, within reason, I hope the exploration continues through to the last show.

It's scary. I am not sure what show we will have now come Tuesday. But it is freeing as well. We shook things up, so let's allow ourselves to find stuff then, right? And we had fun doing it. (I did, at least, I hope everyone else did).

Really - in a case like this, the process feels so vital that it takes my mind off the product. Which is good. Because fixating on the product in the wrong ways (of course, we all want a good product, but forcing it in an inflexible way can be deadly) takes all the joy out of the doing.

We will see.

We will see.

In other news, it looks a DSW and an American Apparel are set to open soon in Silver Spring, right across from Day Job #2. Silver Spring, the land of franchises and facades. Silver Spring, home to turf lawns and manufactured main streets (and admittedly, one of the best movie theaters around).

But I'm not complaining. American Apparel may have their skeevy connections, but I do so love the way their girl tees fit. And a DSW is always a good thing.


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