Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Slow and Steady Never Wins

Look! Something else you can buy at the CVS here! Lawn Ornaments!

See, look, the one that is not the small lawn gnome is a statue of a tortoise and a hare arm wrestling. Very clever, right? Like when the tortoise raced the hare, but now instead of racing they’re sitting down to arm wrestle.

Today’s tortoise and hare – too fucking lazy to run their proper race.

We go into tech on Thursday. We really are ready, even kind of longing for it.

Not much else to report. I joined the Y here (they have a deal with the theater that makes it super-super cheap). I like Y’s because they remind you that there are people on this planet that are older and younger than you.

There are special lockers for the swimmers, and many of them have these garish colored old-lady bathing suits hanging from them (the Silver Swimmers, I am guessing). They are great, massive affairs, with little skirts, or half sleeves, and super sturdy built in torpedo bras.

I go during the day, so I don’t see many kids. But their clientele does cut a wide swath. There was a couple there the other day, maybe mid-twenties, who both had their arms completely wrapped in tattoos, one almost matching the other. So what happens when they break up?


At 3:13 PM, Blogger DCepticon said...

They fight for custody of the arms. It will be a bitter fight but that is the risk you take with body art relationships. That is how I lost my ear lobes.

At 10:10 PM, Blogger SAS said...

I always suspected something was missing, dcepticon.

At 11:21 AM, Blogger DCepticon said...

No what you suspected is still there. I just had it washed and waxed. It looks great and all my friends are jealous.


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