Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday, Monday...

Day off again. I am going to go read more plays at the theater though I think I am becoming completely numb at this point to what is a “good” play and what is a “bad” play.

I found a great video store with another trip on the twenty-three bus. It is an independent shop called “Wild and Woolly”. One of those wonderful places with every quirky film you can imagine that organize videos (dvds) by things like director, or Elvis Presley films, or Early Anime, or 1980s TV series. Of course I couldn't think of any rare films that I have been dying to see. Let me know if anyone has suggestions.

They had the first several season of Gimme a Break, though I kind of can’t imagine why anyone would have a nostalgic pining for that show. Degrassi Junior High on the other hand, for which they had the entire series, was a little tempting. Next time.

Instead I went for Junebug and The Girl in the Café. Junebug was great - Amy Adams, who was nominated for an Oscar I think, was really radiant and interesting. The script is so complex, so many things don’t get resolved – which you never see in Hollywood movies.

The writer is also a playwright (he wrote Radiant Abyss, which Woolly Mammoth did a few years ago). He went to my school and grew up in Winston-Salem, so the movie is actually shot there. That is always fun too, spotting the recognizable sights. At one point they are doing a driving scene and there is this unmistakable shot of Pilot Mountain rising up in the background. We used to go there and hike when the leaves were changing.

Almost made me a little misty eyed.

The Girl in the Café is a fascinating HBO film. It is a strange combination of love story and political treatise, which I am not sure worked for me, but it was nonetheless engaging throughout.

Bill Nighy is in it. What a phenomenal actor. He is one of the most innately interesting and watch-able actors working in film, I think. You just have to keep your eyes on him. Even when he is seemingly doing nothing. Because he is never, really, doing “nothing”.

The Humana Company party is tonight since everyone is here now. That means I have to be social, which I kind of feel like I have forgotten how to be.


At 11:57 AM, Blogger Joseph Pindelski said...

Hey ... Gimme a Break was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid.

I remember when "Chief" died ... the first time I ever had to deal with a death of any sort that I really remember.

It was a pivotal moment in my upbring -- that and when Kimberly had bulemia on Diff'rent Strokes.

God love you, Nell Carter.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah...The Radiant Abyss...I remember that fondly.

I need a sarcasm font.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger DCepticon said...

Bill Nighy makes any movie for me better. Even Underworld is a good movie because of him. And his scene with his manager in Love Actually makes me choke up a little bit.


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