Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sunday Thoughts

Thank you all for the thoughtful input about my last post.

My mother responded via email and she said: "Your friends on the blog give good advice."

Y'all do. The thing is - I do know that something is broke, I am just not sure which part. And there are certain parts that I have more control over (career - at least SOME control, in terms of what and how I am pursuing something) than others (namely, relationships) so yeah, I grasp at the things I feel like I have some modicum of power over.

Anyhow, I am thinking on it, all of it.

Rehearsals are going well. The process is at times a bit slow but it seems to be creating a good product, so maybe slow and steady does win the race.

I saw the Sarah Silverman movie - Jesus is Magic - on Friday. It is rather self-indulgent, and the framework they pinned on her stand-up to make it more of a MOVIE is kind of lame, but her actual material is very, very funny. I won't give away any of her punchlines - many of the reviews I read did, and you end up anticipating some of her best lines, which is frustrating. So, don't read about it, just go see it. If that kind of humor is your thing. Probably not a film to see with parents or little sisters or first dates.

And yesterday while at the gym I finally saw Maureen Dowd being interviewed on Tim Russert's show. I have never heard her speak before, but I'd heard she sounds like a ninny, which is why she never got into broadcast journalism (since she certainly has the looks for it).

She does. She sounds kind of stupid. The things she says aren't stupid (annoying at times, but not stupid) but her delivery discounts a lot of what she says. All of this could have been helped, I am sure with a decent voice teacher.

She talked a bit about her mother, who passed away last year. And she said her mother did not voice any concern about her not being married until the week before she died. And then it was simply because she loved her daughter, and wanted her to be happy, and because she knew her daughter loved men, and loved being in love.

That all choked me up a bit.


At 11:26 AM, Blogger blog prince said...

You have every bit as much control over relationships and how and what you pursue as you do career/work. It just feels like you don't, perhaps now more than usual. Go after what you want.


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