Thursday, August 11, 2005

Small Thoughts

It is still hot as anything here in the nation's capitol. Rock on with your bad self, heatwave.

* Many cute babies out and about on the Hill this morning. Par normal, I smiled inanely at all of them. They smiled back thinking "Look at silly adult woman giving in to her ovarian impulses and making funny faces at me! She thinks all babies like funny faces! I like laughing at the crazy single woman who makes funny faces at me but really has no idea what having and raising a child actually requires! Funny, silly, naive adult smiley woman!"

* Am addicted to this Switch stuff. It's way too expensive and has a lot of sugar (natural sugar, but sugar no less) so I shouldn't be consuming it with such regularity. But what an idea! Carbonated juice - real juice - 100% juice! And the design is snazzy too, and perfectly marketed for my demographic. They had me at hello.

* Saw Murderball this week. Definitely worth seeing. It sort of sneaks up on you and moves you in the moments when you are not expecting to be moved.

* Also saw 21 grams on DVD. Ehhhh. For the most part nice performances, but I get a little tired of watching Benicio Del Toro look tired and weathered and Naomi Watts show that she can be really, really emotionally engaged. Really she can.

* Had a good meeting with the scenic designer for my next project last night. He is smart and knows how to read a script. I still have no idea what exactly we are going for design-wise, but I guess that is part of the fun of the journey. Right?

* This may be a slightly bigger thought. I realized this morning, that if I wasn't me, I wouldn't recommend dating me. Like, if I had a guy friend who was looking to be set up, I probably wouldn't set them up with me. It's kind of a shitty thing to realize. Too many caveats.

Enough said - I regret posting this anyhow, but will leave it at that without deleting the entire post.


At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd want you for my girlfriend. hot. booooobs.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have to want to be good at a relationship. and make it a priority and get over your self. and accept what you bring to the relationship, warts and all. if you want to make it work, try and make it work. if you don't, get out. saying that you're just not good at it is a cop-out. figure out what you want. you are good at it, and you can be good at it if you want to. saying that you're not good at it is another way of saying you don't deserve to have one. and you do. life is messy. relationships are messy. don't be afraid to get dirty. and see clean house if you haven't before it closes this weekend.

At 1:45 AM, Blogger Sandwich Repairman said...

Why does this not surprise me? I wonder if SAS would have trouble directing a strong woman in a play to pay for a date. Hmm...directing a fellow woman to be taken care of 'cause she's too weak to take care of herself and needs a man to do it...I love the ironies. Men can also direct, but don't get a chance to be "taken care of" in that sense anyway. Methinks equality is not really what folks are after here.


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