Sunday, July 31, 2005

It's all downhill from here

My right eye won't stop twitching. I got a lot of sleep this weekend. No less than 16 hours between Friday and Saturday. So it is not exhaustion.

Is this what happens when you turn thirty? Body parts start acting out in irrational ways?


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Joseph Pindelski said...

This happened to you before, yes? During TITUS?

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Sandwich Repairman said...

My eyes have been twitching for years. I've had arthritis in my foot since 26 and just had my 2nd surgery on it. I was born with 2 trigger thumbs. I can sleep 14 hours in one night and still be tired the next day. Why all the fuss about having lived for an arbitrary amount of time? Is there some existential significance to the number 30?

At 10:29 AM, Blogger SAS said...

What is a trigger thumb?

Yes, JEMP, you are right. I'd forgotten about that. The stress thing would make more sense then than it does now. Maybe it has to do with pollutants in the air or allergies.

Anyhow, it seems to be okay today. I just don't like when my body acts out in ways I don't understand.

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Artist In Transition said...

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At 2:11 PM, Blogger Sandwich Repairman said...

A trigger thumb has a joint that doesn't work properly. They're traditionally caused in factory accidents, but mine are congenital. Basically it is clogged up by a nodule of organic "junk" that shouldn't be there. In practical terms, that means it only bends partway. Some of them spring back when they hit that "trigger" point, thus the name. Others can be forced to bend the rest of the way, but the joint cracks and it's often painful. When the thumb (or other digit) isn't catching, the joint is commonly still stiff. In my case, the nodules are composed of stuff that can't be cut to let the pulleys, etc. slide smoothly like they're supposed to, so they try to fix it by cutting pulleys out. I had one operated on when I was 4 and the doctor said it was the biggest nodule he'd ever seen. I had the other operated on in college and the doctor refused to believe it didn't work. You can't keep cutting pulleys out of your thumb though or you'll lose the ability to move it at all.

I've been told that eye twitching has to do with light rather than stress. Try closing your eye for a minute. Our bodies do all kinds of things we can't control, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with age or health.


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