Thursday, July 28, 2005

Embracing Theatricality

A good, if brief, article from The Boston Globe (link above) about physical theater (and the many different schools of thought that we lump into that category).

I really dug this idea:
Physical theater is an antidote to work that doesn't make the most of the stage itself, proponents say.

''The reason people deserted theater is because it lacked life," says Serrand. ''Any movie by Altman or Fellini is more theatrical than most psychological drama. Most of what's on HBO is better written. And most things are better than watching five people onstage tear each other apart."

Yeah for that. I have been craving boundless theatricality, on any level, for a little while now. The recent shows I have seen have been extremely well executed and worthwhile, but exceedingly naturalistic -- to the point of being cinematic. Some of the films I have watched recently have actually been much more "theatrical" than the theater I have seen (eg. I watched FINDING NEVERLAND last night).

I want to see floors fall down and ceilings fall up. I want to see saturated colors and hear a soundscape that completely transports me. I want to escape the mundane and painful moments in life, not be reminded of them.

Now, at least. Right now, that's what I want to do.

This is my favorite theater company, for that purpose.

These guys are great too, and easier to catch in the United States.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Karl Miller said...

Zounds. Rock on with that, sister. Don't know what else to say at this point 'cause I'm swamped with other stuff, but ... that's an even better way of summing it up, so thanks for posting it. Elaboration forthcoming ...!

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a physical theatre junky. Love Pig Iron with all my soul!


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