Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Now that I’m almost thirty…

I am going to have to move a bit more. I haven’t had a kid’s body for a long time (child-bearing hips and all that) and I can’t imagine that turning thirty will suddenly alter my makeup and frame that drastically, but come on already – is it that hard to go out running a few times a week? No. It isn’t. So why tempt fate? And besides, exercise is good for us. We all know that.

I think about all the activity that filled my life as a young person – between my stints as a god-awful soccer and tennis player (the effort was there, the ability severly lacking), show choir rehearsals extending late into the evenings (yeah, show choir – you wanna make something of it?), and my brief but semi-promising attempts as a gymnast (until I became too top-heavy and nature made it clear this was not to be my calling.) I used to move a lot. And I never even thought of it as exercise. It was just what we did.

And so – no radical, “I’m going to run a marathon in a year” resolution (I’m inspired, not crazy). But after years of a gym membership that I do use at times, but more frequently don’t use (despite paying an arm and leg for it) I think I need a change. I need to return to childhood and just move more – not get caught up in ellipticals and treadmills, but actually get outside. Even pick up a tennis racket again. If I get really ambitious at some point in the summer, I’ll buy a bike.

So consider it resolved – I am going to put the membership on hold for three months (which should more than cover the ipod that I will really (really!) need if I am going to be jogging and running outside (only in daytime, yes, and well lit areas…). And look up the schedule for modern dance classes at Joy of Motion (yeah, I used to do that too). And bug mom and dad about finding my old tennis racket in the wreckage of their upcoming move (any chance of it guys?).

Discover my inner twelve-year-old. She’s got to be in there somewhere.


At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

modern dance classes??? i'll do a modern dance class with you, beyotch. can i be awful?

At 5:50 PM, Blogger labcabbie said...

Hey there new neighbor - though you're not interested in running a marathon, I'm training for one so come on out and join me twice a week for my maintenance runs! I need a running partner and its a lot more fun to run with a person than an ipod!


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