Sunday, July 16, 2006

Afraid to Read the Headlines

I'm literally sick to my stomach about what is happening in the Middle East. I have a number of friends and colleagues with family in Israel. And the region seems to be headed towards self destruction. It's scary. Scarier for them than for me.

It all escalated so quickly.

After spending several months mentally in Lebanon, with some naive sense of "this is how it was then, things are better now" this is a vivid reminder that while conflicts may go into hibernation the sleep is never that deep.

I feel super indulgent for living in my fun little world of a pop musical right now. How do we live with that? I tell myself that people still need to laugh even if the world is destroying itself all around us. Theater has traditionally sprung from lands mired in conflict, oppression, and tragedy. It's a human response. Laugh because it is better than crying.

But it is really hard to ignore the feeling in the pit of my stomach that suggests that things are only going to get worse.


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Artist In Transition said...

All any of us can do is our best, speak out in some way where our voices have a chance of being heard, and continue to put out into the world more positive energy than negative.

That is what my head thinks.

My heart tells me the world is headed to a very dark place.


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