Monday, January 02, 2006

Sunday Reading on Monday

I have resisted the urge to buy an actual physical copy of the Sunday New York Times this week. I finally cleaned my room on Saturday and once I purchase a Times it is all downhill from there. In this most recent excavation I found the equivalent of four Sunday Times editions hiding out in the recesses of my room. That's a whole lot of paper to be shuffling around.


So I am trying to get my fix by reading it on line, an experience that has never quite matched the feeling of newsprint in hand for me.

Anyhow, the Modern Love column is smarter than it has been in weeks (and relevant in some way to various thoughts and realizations I have been having about not putting all your eggs in one basket either in terms of relationships, or people, or career) and the Chris Ware cartoon is so sad it makes my heart ache. Particularly sad this week, I think. Read them.


At 10:35 AM, Blogger blog prince said...

Sad. All around. Just sad. But also more sad to live one's life with in the fear that something bad is going to happen. With the "prepare for the worst" sort of attitude. To be so jaded and unable to trust. Sad that divorce is so easy. Sadder still is the fact that selfishness breeds only more selfishness. And let's not forget that wives of all ages leave their husbands as well.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger SAS said...

With all due respect, blog prince, I think you missed the point. For most of history women have subjugated their lives for the lives of their husbands, willingly placing their career and education second. Hekker is simply saying, don't lose sight of you. She isn't saying love less, trust less, give less, she is simply encouraging that you remember always to keep a little something for yourself. The lesson should apply to both men and women.


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