Friday, April 22, 2005

Will Someone Please Explain for me

So, Brownback says in the article above, "I have been and continue to be a strong believer and protector of traditional marriage. I think it's an important issue for society and for the country." But is the issue about promoting marriage or about excluding gay couples from any of the rights and expectations that come with "being married". How can the right push marriage down our throats (and the ad campaign that has been running in DC -- "Marriage Works" -- does just that, to the point where you think you are going to wretch if you see one more of their stupid Kodak-posed moments in the Metro stations) and at the very same time deny gay couples marriage rights. The logic breaks down for me.

Okay, if we say:

1. Marriage is good. It promotes healthy relationships and stable families (or so we'll say for the sake of argument.)

2. Homosexuality exists. It does. Same sex couples are around, always have been -- and they always will be. Sometimes I think there are people in our country who think that the homosexual population will just vanish if they wish it for long enough. But, ummm, they won't. They will continue to gain acceptance (albeit, slowly, perhaps) and prominence. They will not disappear.

3. So operating on those two assumptions, wouldn't it follow that the same people promoting the virtues of marriage would be ENCOURAGING same sex couples to embrace that lifestyle (or at least someone other than Andrew Sullivan)? See, that's what I don't get. Why is it so good for the goose, but absolutely forbidden for the gander?

I understand that within certain religions, people would say, no, we won't accept that as a viable form of marriage. Take your rainbow flags somewhere else. And then said couple can decide to look around for a religious institution that will recognize their union, or not.

But why are so many people so concerned about two people being recognized by the state as a legal union? How will that hurt them, or infringe upon their own personal rights, or make this country a less desirable place to live? If anyone can explain it to me, I’m all ears.


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