Monday, April 11, 2005


They recently dedicated an entire NY Times article to what George Bush was listening to on his Ipod. It was a predictably dull list, mostly 70's classic rock and some country. The one interesting mention was Joni Mitchell. Not Big Yellow Taxi, of course. I was surprised that he only had 250 songs loaded. Surprised but not. I mean, I guess he has other things to be doing besides downloading songs. I mean, he does, right? I know there is a way to post the URL link to the article, but I don't know how to, and the article is not interesting enough to make it worth my while.

I am still lamenting my lack of Ipod. I should have one with the computer I have. It seems kind of ridiculous not to. And I swear, the little priveleged eight-year-olds listening to their Ipods on the NY subway laugh when they see my discman. "Grandma".

Instead I make mix after mix (and I've probably spent as much on blank cd's as I could have on a shuffle. But Noooo, I don't want a shuffle. I want to indulge my control issues, and get an ipod where I can PICK my playlist. La dee da.) My Ipod envy is embarrassing. It's unattractive. I drool when I see the pretty colored ones.

Anyhow, this is my most recent mix list. It would be my playlist if someone wrote a NY Times article about me, and the playlist that I don't actually have.

Suddenly Everything Has Changed – Postal Service
Toto Dies – Nellie NcKay
Pictures in an Exhibition – Death Cab for Cutie
Chelsea Morning – Emiliana Torrini
I’m Gonna Run – The Fiery Furnaces
Work Song – Nellie NcKay
Clark Gable –Postal Service
Single Again – The Fiery Furnaces
Love is no big Truth – King of Convenience
Sleeping In – Postal Service
Gale Blow – Fiery Furnaces
Manhattan Avenue – Nellie McKay
Don’t Dance Her Down – The Fiery Furnaces
I Wanna Get Married – Nellie McKay
Angel Pumping Gas – Postal Service
Manhattan Skyline – Kings of Convenience
Hindsight – Death Cab for Cutie
There’s Never Enough Time – Postal Service
Homesick – Kings of Convenience

I really like Nellie McKay. I have also been listening to some Bright Eyes lately. When I mentioned this to a friend a little while ago, he pointed out that they are both about a decade younger than I am. Thanks.


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