Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pearly Whites

I have soft teeth. I have to believe I do. An endodontrist yelled at me once when I said that -- "There's no such thing! You are relinquishing responsibility for your own teeth!" Geesh. I didn't realize there was such a debate surrounding the issue. But that is what dentists had been telling me for years. And it looks like I am not alone. Check out the title link.

See!? See!!!

Anyhow, today, for the first time since puberty, I was given "good news" about my teeth. I went in for a routine cleaning -- which is rare, since I am usually in a state of some dental crises -- and after looking over my mouth full of work (three root canals, ergo, three crowns, odd extractions, teeth that never actually came in, and completely vanity driven veneers, which I have to say are cosmetic dentistry masterpieces) my dentist said, "You might be in the clear for a while...!"

Apparently the whole cavity thing tapers off after your twenties. So there you have it -- a reason to look forward to thirty. And since all the work that was a result of my early years with, yes, say it, yes, believe it -- soft teeth -- has been done and redone finally with root canals and crowns, as long as that all holds up, well I may not be under the drill for a good few years.

But I'm not holding my breath.


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